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CO Insurance Specialist

6990 W. 38th Ave. #200
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

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Special Coverage For A Special Car

When you drive a classic car, you tend to want to give it special care in every way possible. You don’t just take it to any old mechanic. If you can’t find an expert in Wheat Ridge, CO, you’re not above driving your car to the next town over to meet with someone who specializes in classic cars. You don’t just take it to the car wash, you scrub it down by hand and dry it with a chamois to keep it from streaking.

The same goes for your insurance, but here’s what a lot of people don’t know: Classic car insurance tends to be cheaper.

Obviously, there are a lot of factors that play into this. A classic car owner with a bad driving record is going to pay more. A classic car worth six figures is probably going to cost more to insure than a standard vehicle. But classic cars tend to be cheaper to insure, despite their special maintenance needs and value, primarily because classic car owners can be trusted to take excellent care of their cars. Someone who drives a classic Mustang isn’t just getting from point A to point B, their car is their hobby, their passion, they love driving and they’re going to take much better care of their car, on average, than someone driving a 2016 SUV.

Of course, to get a good deal, you need to get covered by an insurer that specializes in classic autos. A standard insurer is likely to treat your classic car like any other. CO Insurance Specialist knows what goes into owning and driving a classic car, and what goes into insuring it, so get in touch and see what we can do for you.

Insurance Partners
  • Allied
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • CNA
  • Hagerty
  • Hartford
  • Infinity
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Secura
  • State Auto
  • Travelers